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The concept of "Launching State"

Resolution Adopted by the General Assembly on the Application of the Concept of the "Launching State" (A/RES/59/115)
Agreement Reached on a Draft Resolution on the Application of the Concept of the “Launching State”

Property Rights on the Moon and other celestial bodies?

Aurora Moon base – artist's view
Aurora Moon base – artist's view

Statement by the Board of Directors Of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) On Claims to Property Rights Regarding The Moon and Other Celestial Bodies

Space traffic management

The space tourism industry in 2030
Minutes From IAA Comission. Bremen, Germany 2003
Report of the Legal Subcommittee on its forty-first session, Vienna, 2002
"Cosmic Study on Space Traffic Management"(IAA)

Sustainable Developments of Space Activities

Working Paper Gerard Brachet
50th COPUOS Session 2007
STSC Proposal for the Inclusion of a New Item on Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space
52nd COPUOS Session 2009
Long-term sustainability of Outer Space Activities (Agenda Item 14)
(47th STSC Session 2010)
Supporting Document for the discussion on the new agenda item on Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space
(47th STSC Session 2010)
Working Paper Concerning the Work of the Working Group on the Long-term Sustainability of outer Space Activities
53rd COPUOS Session 2010

Space tourism

"Towards a new aerospace convention? – Selected Legal issues of Space Tourism"
S. Hobe and J. Cloppenburg, published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
“The Legal Regime for Private Space Tourism Activities – An Overview”
“Between Heaven and Earth: the Legal Challengs for Human space Travel”
“IIASL Symposium on “The Regulation of Suborbital Flights in the European Contest”
Related links
Space Adventures Ltd.
Virgin Galactic
Vega Group Briefing Paper on “Europe and Space Tourism”

Planetary Protection

S.M. Race
"Planetary protection, legal ambiguity and the decision making process for Mars sample return."
P.M. Stearns, L.I. Tennen
“Space and the environment: public perceptions and policy considerations”
In: IAF Paper No. IISL-94-IISL.4.844. 37th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space IAF Congress, Jerusalem (October 1994)
J.D. Rummel, L. Billings
“Issues in planetary protection: policy, protocol and implementation”
Space Policy 20 (2004) 49-54
Related Documents
“A Draft Test Protocol for Detecting Possible Biohazards in Martian Sample Returned to Earth”
NASA/CP--2002-211842, October 2002
“Comprehensive Biological Protocol for the Lunar Sample Receiving Laboratory” (1967)
Manned Spacecraft Center, NASA
List of NASA and US National Research Council related to Planetary Protection
Related links
Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)
NASA Planetary Protection Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters

ESA and EU Relations

ECSL page on ESA and EU

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