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ECSL Summer Webinars - Program

ECSL Summer Webinar Series Launch

23/08/2020 539 views 14 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

As of Monday 24th August 2020, join the ECSL Summer Webinars for a full week of daily online events !
Everyday from 15.00 to 17.00 our guests will be addressing a wide range of topics pertaining to space law and policy, from satellites constellations and space debris, to space resources and military uses of outer Space.
You can already check out the program below and register at, mentioning first name – last name – email – affiliation

Please note that:

  • Registration closes 2 hours before each session;
  • The emails to connect to the sessions are sent every morning before each webinar.
ECSL Summer Webinars - Poster Day 1
ECSL Summer Webinars - Poster Day 1

Day 1: Monday 24 August

Topic: Space law making: for harder or softer law?

Speakers: Mr. Niklas Hedman (UNOOSA)  and  Prof. Irmgard Marboe (University of Vienna)

ECSL Summer Webinars - Poster day 2
ECSL Summer Webinars - Poster day 2

Day 2: Tuesday 25 August

Topic: Swarms of satellites: challenges and opportunities 

Speakers: Mr. Alexander Soucek (European Space Agency) and Mrs. Jenni Tapio  (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland)

ECSL Summer Webinars - Poster day 3
ECSL Summer Webinars - Poster day 3

Day 3: Wednesday 26 August

Topic: Future economic uses of outer space and the corresponding legal regime: More or less liberalism for outer space activities?

Speakers: Prof. Stephan Hobe (University of Cologne) and Dr. Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd (DLR)

ECSL Summer Webinars - Poster day 4
ECSL Summer Webinars - Poster day 4

Day 4: Thursday 27 August

Topic: Exploitation of resources from celestial bodies 

Speakers: Prof. Steven Freeland  ( Western Sydney University) and Prof. Armel Kerrest (University of Brittany) 

ECSL Summer Webinars - Poster day 5
ECSL Summer Webinars - Poster day 5

Day : Friday 28 August

Topic: Military Uses of Outer Space

Speakers: Prof. Philippe Achilleas (University of Paris-Saclay)  and Prof. George Kyriakopoulos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Media Partner: /

ECSL media Partner: spacewatchglobal
ECSL media Partner: spacewatchglobal

*By registering to the 2020 ECSL Summer Webinar Series, you acknowledge and agree that you consent to the process of your Personal Data by the European Centre for Space Law and the European Space Agency for the purpose of organising the online event.  

* You can withdraw your consent by sending an email to