ESA SP-1324 Reports for mission selection
ESA’s Earth Explorer missions are developed in response to Earth observation priorities identified by the scientific community. A Call for Ideas in 2005 generated 24 proposals, which were reduced to three candidates for feasibility study.
A Call for Ideas in 2005 generated 24 proposals, which were reduced to three candidates for feasibility study: Biomass, to observe global forests and improve understanding of the carbon cycle; CoReH2O, to observe snow and ice and improve understanding of the water cycle; and PREMIER, to observe atmospheric composition for a better understanding of chemistry-climate interactions. These Reports for Mission Selection capture the statuses at the end of Phase-A activities, and will be used to select a single mission to be the seventh Earth Explorer.
The three candidates are:
Biomass, to observe global forests and improve understanding of the carbon cycle;
CoReH2O, to observe snow and ice and improve understanding of the water cycle;
and PREMIER, to observe atmospheric composition for a better understanding of chemistry-climate interactions.
These Reports for Mission Selection capture the statuses at the end of Phase-A activities, and will be used to select a single mission to be the seventh Earth Explorer.
The full content of the three reports may be found linked on the right hand side. To buy a copy of the reports, please visit Spacebooks Online.