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European Researchers’ Night 2010: ESRIN opens its doors

17/09/2010 422 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / ESRIN

The European Researchers’ Night is held on 24 September during the European Science Week, which lasts from 18-26 September. Frascati participates regularly in this European event, since it plays host to a number of scientific institutes that conduct research activities at international level.

During the week, organised by 'Frascati Scienza', researchers will be on hand at various places in Frascati to meet all those fascinated by the world of scientific research through debates, conferences, exhibitions, shows, games and activities for children. There will also be telephone and video calls with international guests, observations of the sky, experiments and opportunities to visit a number of different laboratories not usually open to the public.

On the European Researchers’ Night, ESRIN and the other research institutes in Frascati (ASI, CNR, ENEA, IFSI, INAF, INFN and INGV) will open their doors to the general public until late in the evening. The main objective is to improve public awareness of researchers and their work. People of all ages, in particular young people, can learn more about the world of science.

Registration is mandatory for all sites, including ESRIN, via the link on the right.

ESRIN Programme and activities

Measuring mass in weightlessness
Measuring mass in weightlessness

Many ESA projects will be presented, including ongoing and future missions, and there will be guided visits to the multi-mission operational centre, the Artemis antenna and the ASI-ASDC laboratories on site.

ESRIN will also host stands by its collaborating partners with interactive presentations, videos, 3D films and dynamic experiments, so that visitors can learn about space and its applications. Younger visitors will learn how to build and launch a mini-rocket and how to measure mass in weightlessness. You will discover more by coming to the event..and don’t forget to bring your camera!

ESA activities in Frascati

Tommaso Parrinello, ESA Cryosat Mission Manager will speak about ESA’s contribution to understanding our climate during the scientific coffee evening at on Monday, 20 September, 22:00-23:00 in Auditorium Scuderie Aldobrandini, Piazza Marconi, Frascati.

Luigi Fusco, ESA Senior Advisor of EO applications will show EO satellite models, 3D Animations of EO environmental results and high-resolution data of the Castelli area, accompanied a wine-tasting opportunity, late morning on Sunday 19 September at Piazza Cavour in Grottaferrata.

The detailed programme of the week, the recreational activities offered and information on the shuttle bus service to the various research institutes are available on the Frascati Scienza website.

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