ESA title
Phi Experience

Earth observation multimedia centre

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ESA / About Us

ESRIN, ESA’s establishment in Frascati, Italy, hosts the Earth observation multimedia centre, comprising an Earth data visualisation centre (Φ-Experience), a long-term data preservation exhibit area (Heritage Missions Walkthrough) and a permanent exhibition (Memorabilia Wall).



The Φ-Experience is 220 sq m exhibition room, with the objective to use interactive display technologies to increase awareness and visibility of ESA’s Earth observation programmes and applications. Through this, the Φ-Experience is expected to improve the understanding of visitors on the benefits of Earth observation for monitoring global change. As many guests at ESRIN are Earth observation professionals, another aim is to motivate scientists, industry and other European and worldwide ESA partners to contribute to the displays with their data, information and experience.

ESA also plans to demonstrate the relevance and value of Earth observation regarding environmental and socioeconomic benefits – for this the Φ-Experience is aiming at decision makers and politicians.  

Heritage Missions Walkthrough (HMW)

Heritage Missions Walkthrough (HMW)
Heritage Missions Walkthrough (HMW)

ESA archives store today more than 45 years of heritage satellite data on our Earth system, that are crucial for many applications, like climate change monitoring, and are maintained accessible and exploitable by users through a dedicated ESA Programme.

Memories and samples of the technologies, media and techniques, used in the initial phases of Earth observation activities at ESA and of their evolution with time, are today conserved and accessible to the public at the Heritage Missions Walkthrough (HMW) visitor area. The Walkthrough provides a snapshot of Earth observation history at ESA, by describing the work done by Earth observation pioneers at the Agency and by keeping this memory for future generations.

Memorabilia Wall

Memorabilia Wall
Memorabilia Wall

The Memorabilia Wall is a permanent exhibition aiming at presenting the historical context of several ESA programmes and activities. It is a collection of items from across the Agency including for example satellite spare subsystems, real debris, old space magazines, historical videos and communication material.