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ESA / About Us / Exhibitions / ESA at international events and airshows / Le Bourget 2017

The 52nd Paris Air and Space Show at Le Bourget opens its doors on Monday. Follow the live coverage of selected sessions 19–25 June.

During the weeklong event, ESA will feature ambitious European missions and projects across all space domains, with a focus on recent achievements and upcoming endeavours.


Webstream programme* (all times in CEST):

Tuesday 20 June

11:00-12:00 Space 4.0ur Future: Pushing the Limits
An interaction with Heads of delegations from ESA Member States and partners on the evolution of the Agency and its programmes, leading towards the next ESA ministerial meeting in 2019.

14:45-15:45 Presenting Europe’s new vision for space exploration
David Parker, ESA Director of Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration, will present Europe’s new vision for space exploration, the European Exploration Envelope Programme (E3P), its content, its goals and its achievements.

Wednesday 21 June

10:00-11:00 New space exploration competition kickoff
Public announcement of the Space Exploration Masters to raise awareness of the Prize opportunities for the Best Business Success from a Technology Transfer related to Space Exploration technologies and New Business Innovation ideas.

16:00-17:00 Space 4.0ur future: up and start
Jan Woerner, ESA Director General, together with Eric Morel de Westgaver, ESA Director of Industry, Procurement and Legal Services, will lead this informal interactive discussion with leaders of industries and institutions from a variety of backgrounds and sectors about the tremendous potential of space technology, applications and services for commercial purposes.

Thursday 22 June

10:00-11:15 Round Table on the role of European institutions in the exploitation of Ariane 6 and Vega-C
Satellites from European institutions will play a major role during the exploitation of the new family of ESA-developed launchers, Vega-C and Ariane 6 which will be operative from 2019/2020. In this round table, high level representatives from important European institutions are invited to debate how they can contribute to guarantee a level playing field for Ariane 6 and Vega-C exploitation with respect to competitors that can count on a very large number of institutional payloads.

16:00-17:30 Space 4.0ur future: sound check with citizens – the Moon for our future
Speakers include Jan Woerner. The ESA Director General will open this discussion on space matters in an interactive way with a diversity of citizens gathered together, and benchmark live the results of the questions raised during a citizens debate on space for Europe organised by ESA in all its Member States in September 2016.

Friday 23 June

11:00-11:45 ‘Space 4.0ur future – NewGen challenge’ Agora Talk with Students ‘Space 4.0ur Future: NewGen Challenge’ (ESA Pavilion)

Closing ceremony of the Student Aerospace Challenge – Défi Aérospatial Etudiant proposed by the Astronaute Club Européen, ACE, in partnership with Dassault Aviation, Airbus, Safran, Thales and ESA. 

Awards ceremony for winning teams of the Student Aerospace Challenge, an annual competition that allows university students to participate in studies for a reusable manned suborbital vehicle. This is divided into 11 work packages: Aerodynamics and Flight controlStructurePropulsion, Innovative architecture, Cabin layout (except electronic devices)Onboard systems, Spaceport, Communication, Economical aspectsLegal aspects and Medical aspects. Students have the opportunity to create a team, put their knowledge into practice by working on a specific work package and enjoy an original experience which brings them closer to the aerospace sector. Selected teams had around five months to work on their projects and submit a report. They presented their projects to the partners of this challenge and the best presentations will be rewarded at this ceremony.

11:00-12:00 ‘Space 4.0ur Future: astrotalk' - Thomas Pesquet (ESA Pavilion, stage outside) 


Saturday 24 June

11:00-12:00 Space 4.0ur future: plug and play’ (Session 1)

Kids, teens, youngsters, social media followers … life, the universe and everything – welcome to the ESA pavilion! This will be a special session with ESA Director General Jan Woerner and your chance to interact with him. You have a question or would like to pitch an idea? This is your chance. Chat with him about his plans for a village on the Moon or future international collaboration in space or other space related topics.

16:00-17:00 Space 4.0ur future: plug and play’ (Session 2)

Kids, teens, youngsters, social media followers … life, the universe and everything – welcome to the ESA pavilion! This will be a special session with ESA Director General Jan Woerner and your chance to interact with him. You have a question or would like to pitch an idea? This is your chance. Chat with him about his plans for a village on the Moon or future international collaboration in space or other space related topics.

Sunday 25 June

11:00-12:00 Space 4.0ur future: plug and play – Instagram space quiz’ – session 3

This third and last weekend session with ESA Director General will be dedicated to kids – and for now, we will not reveal more than that is has to do with Space (of course) and Instagram!

A programme of ESA’s main events at the Paris Air and Space Show is available here.

*Programme subject to change

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