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Ecsite Space Group at ESAC

Ecsite Space Group

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ESA / About Us / Exhibitions / Ecsite Space Group

Since 2012, ESA and Ecsite, have been combining their strengths, networks and capabilities in order to share European space programmes and achievements in space with their members.

The Space Group aims at improving and extending communication about space by helping specialized science centres and space professionals to work together.

Joining Ecsite’s Space Group means getting closer to space professionals and science centres willing to communicate about space in Europe. It also allows to be better informed about space news, programs, and discoveries. The Space Group offers opportunities to share experience, expertise, knowledge, and tools.

For Europe’s main space actors like the European Space Agency (ESA), national space agencies, industries, research institutions, and academia, the Space Group offers the possibility to build close collaborations with science communication professionals.

The Space Group, with more than 190 members and the support of ESA, aims also to facilitate the exchange of ideas and projects to promote European achievements in space to the general public.

The group benefits from the already established European networks of Ecsite and the European Space network of ESA and its member states.

The Space Group is led by a steering committee composed by Maria Menéndez, Head of ESA Outreach Coordination Office, Paris, France; Miriam Atienza, Content Manager, Ciutat de les Arts I les Ciències, Valencia, Spain; Ana Noronha, Executive Director of Ciência Viva, Lisbon, Portugal; Christophe Chaffardon, Head of Education, Science and Culture at Cité de l’espace, Toulouse, France; Tobias Wolff, Exhibition Manager, Universum Bremen, Bremen, Germany and Barbara Budassi, Coordinator of the Ecsite Space Group for ESA, Paris, France.

For more information on the ECSITE Space Group, please click here.

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