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How to report fraud at ESA

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ESA / About Us

ESA principles, rules and commitment

Given ESA’s nature as an international organisation, it is essential to ensure that our agency’s funding, which is public, be used by ESA, our staff members and contracting partners, in a responsible, lawful, professional and ethical manner in the execution of their activities, in full accountability under the control of ESA’s Member States and in line with ESA’s Financial Regulations.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of all ESA staff members and other persons and entities working with ESA to contribute to the application of the above principles, not only in the implementation of ESA’s programmes, but also of its administrative processes. ESA does not tolerate any kind of fraud and endeavours to recover any amount or asset lost as a result of such unlawful acts.

Prevention and detection of fraud remain of particular importance to strengthen ESA’s position towards our stakeholders, as a public procurement entity of major importance in European industry, in ensuring a reliable and trusted internal control system.

Mechanism for action

What should you do if you suspect a case of fraud at ESA?

As a reminder, it is essential that everybody working for, or with, ESA is aware of the ESA Policy on Fraud Prevention, Detection and Investigation available here.

This Policy imposes on every ESA Staff Member an obligation to report any knowledge or suspicion of instances of fraud and invites any other persons and entities to do so as well.

Whatever your status, in case of suspicion or doubt, it is advised to report suspicious acts committed by ESA Staff members or any other persons or entities who have contractual relations with ESA.

First: Make sure you have a clear and detailed description of the case of fraud you suspect. As a reminder, fraud is characterised by the following criteria:

  • Wilful act or wilful omission
  • Involving in particular the use of deception (e.g., the use of a device or software to cheat results obtained by a company; the submission of a false invoice or false declaration to obtain undue payments)
  • To obtain an unjust or illegal advantage for oneself or a third person (for example, the claim for reimbursement of undue expenses; the attribution of a fictional contract to a friend)
  • That adversely affects the financial interests of the agency, its contributors or its other funding entities (such as Member States, Participating States or other entities providing funding to the agency under agreements concluded with the agency)

Fraud includes as well acts of embezzlement (i.e. the act of withholding or using assets or funds for a purpose other than for what they are intended), misuse of entrusted funds, corruption and bribery (i.e. the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any advantage to influence the actions of an official or other person, so that the person violates his/her public and/or legal duties).

It includes both the act committed and any assistance to such acts.

Then: Report clearly the observed facts (including e.g. timeframe, persons or entities involved, financial damage) and how you learnt about them, to the following External Contact Point, using the form available here.

Safe Standards Denmark
Attn: Mette Honoré

E-mail address:
Phone number: +45 22482497

The report may be done orally or in writing, by sending the form to the e-mail address mentioned above.

If you wish to remain anonymous vis-à-vis the agency, you should state it when reporting to the External Contact Point. In that case, your identity will not be disclosed by the External Contact Point to the agency.

The External Contact Point is entirely independent of ESA and is contractually obligated to process your contact details in accordance with the applicable Personal Data Protection rules, as described in the Privacy Notice, and not to disclose these details to ESA where you have specified that you wish to remain anonymous.

Make sure to provide as much information as possible in your report to enable the Investigation Team to further collect and assess facts. Please note that in case of insufficient details your alert may be disregarded.

Please be reminded that, as stated in ESA Policy, false accusations, accusations made in bad faith and/or with malicious intent, as well as accusations resulting in defamation, constitute an offence liable to disciplinary action and/ or other appropriate measures.


The investigation will be conducted by an independent Investigation Team, under the Head of the ESA Internal Audit, in full impartiality.

Even if you have decided not to report anonymously, your identity will be fully protected by confidentiality obligations incumbent on the Investigation Team. You will be protected against retaliation which is prohibited and may lead to disciplinary action.


Please also read our Privacy Notice.

By providing your telephone number and/or e-mail address above you expressly approve ESA contacting you via telephone and/or via e-mail.

By sending a report, you confirm that you have understood the aforementioned notices and have read, understood and accepted the above, including the Privacy Notice.