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ESA / About Us / Space Law virtual network with Latin American countries

The ALC/ECSL virtual network / mini-site

The virtual network for space law and policy recognises the importance that the ECSL has attached to the existing space infrastructure and evolving technologies for promoting, enhancing, improving and coordinating knowledge of space law & policy at worldwide taking into account the needs of developing countries.

The development of the virtual network is currently in an “experimental” phase. The starting point will focus on Latin American & Caribbean countries in response to a historic, fruitful relationship with ECSL and as a tribute to their positive reaction and goodwill in previous cooperative activities.

The most recent developments in the establishment of our partnership was a meeting which took place at the Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas de la Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 21 March 2017. This meeting related to the creation of a Latin American Network of Universities Related to Space Law, for which an Acta de Compromiso was signed among:

Maria de las Mercedes Esquivel
Marta Gaggero
Felix Menicocci
Guillermo Ford
Raul Joya
Juan Manuel de Faraminan Gilbert
Mario Folchi.

Following this important step, a Borrador will now be established whose model is based on the ECSL Charter.

Three concepts: ECSL legal site – Virtual network on space law & policy -“mini-site”

ECSL users already have at their disposal a legal site set up in 2003 which contains information about ECSL activities and space law: ECSL Legal Site It mainly consist of links that the ECSL has grouped by following specific criteria.

The “mini-site” will actually be part of the ECSL legal site, which is the reason for its name. The final result of the full “virtual network” project could be compared to a large jigsaw puzzle made up of several pieces with their integrity and autonomy, but forming a complex whole and unable to stand alone.

The mini-site is a way of coordinating a space community by making use of new information techniques. It is a user-friendly system designed for a multidisciplinary community with varying levels of resources and knowledge. The user should not need any specific session or a detailed manual; it is enough to have very basic knowledge of the Internet. It is completely free of charge (using existing capabilities offered by satellite network coverage) with no user restrictions. This is the outcome of joint determination and the result of teamwork

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