Agency Year in images 2024 20/12/2024 8352 views 161 likes ESA / About Us / Week in images Astronaut Class of 2022 - Graduation Annotated image of Mars Juice snaps an Earth–Moon portrait Before and after satellite images from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission show the scale of the oil spill that occurred off the shores of Trinidad and Tobago’s coastline earlier this week. Lifting the dish at ESA's newest deep space antenna Twelve nations sign the Zero Debris Charter Proba-2’s glimpse of home The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission has snapped a souvenir of the Burning Man festival in the Black Rock desert in Nevada. Wildfires rage across Athens 3D-bioprinted blood vessel ERS-2 buckles and bends during final farewell Mosaic of Euclid observations in the Southern Sky Spain is suffering its worst flood in decades after torrential rains struck the eastern province of Valencia. These satellite images vividly illustrate the dramatic transformation of the landscape. Galileo L13 Proba-3's laser-precise positioning Two Scandinavians in space LEGO bricks from space dust Vega-C launches Sentinel-1C VAST focus of future space frequencies Mercury reveals its Four Seasons The Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission takes us over northern Brazil, where the Amazon River meets the Atlantic Ocean. A massive cluster is born Freezing boiling water in Concordia against the sunset ESA Astronaut Reserve training kicks off at EAC NGC 5468 – Cepheid host galaxy Destiny module from Marcus Wandt's perspective Like Thank you for liking You have already liked this page, you can only like it once!