ARTES multimedia applications workshop in ESTEC
Starting Monday 19 November ESA's Telecommunications Department is hosting a workshop on satellite-based multimedia applications and services, at ESTEC, Noordwijk (NL). Sessions cover real case studies as well as strategic explorations of the possibilities for the satellite multimedia services of the future, and include guest speakers from industry, consultancy and academia.
The ESA Telecommunication ARTES programme has launched about 40 projects so far and holds annual workshops to share information among the various user groups. For the first time, this year's workshop includes an open session on Wednesday 21 November, where any interested parties can participate.
The event is designed to provide an opportunity for information gathering and sharing of new contacts. It is a great opportunity for parties not yet involved in the ESA Telecommunication programme, but with ideas for new applications and services. Presentations of successful projects, including hands-on experience, provide an invaluable introduction to the programme.
For more information, see the special web site for "Workshop on ARTES Applications Projects"