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OneSat Novacom I

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ESA / Applications / Connectivity and Secure Communications

OneSat Novacom I is an ESA Partnership Project to support the development of a new product line for the commercial geostationary telecommunications market. As well as offering traditional services such as TV broadcasting, OneSat Novacom I satellites will revolutionise in-flight connectivity for passengers on board planes, and bridge the digital divide by connecting communities in remote areas.

Fully reconfigurable, software-defined and completely standardised, the satellites are being developed and validated under the OneSat Novacom I Partnership Project between ESA and satellite manufacturer Airbus and suppliers from eight ESA Member States, in collaboration with the French Space Agency, CNES.

OneSat Novacom I is designed to meet the highest standards of availability and performance, while cutting equipment costs and assembly efforts.

Airbus has already sold seven OneSat Novacom I satellites to various commercial customers, and many more orders are expected in the years to come.

ESA Partnership Projects efficiently mitigate the risk borne by European space companies when developing ambitious endeavours.

Like previous ESA Partnership Projects, OneSat Novacom I is expected to generate an exceptional return on investment to the European space industry, creating jobs and boosting prosperity in ESA member states.

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