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Presentations from Telecom Info Days 2007 available

20/04/2007 469 views 0 likes
ESA / Applications / Connectivity and Secure Communications

The presentation slides and the list of participants for ESA Telecom's recent Information Days 2007 are now available for download.

Over 180 people attended the two day event which was held at ESA/ESTEC in Noordwijk, the Netherlands on 16 and 17 April 2007. The first day was dedicated to the presentations of the major ongoing or future projects in the Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) Programme, which was particularly useful for newcomers.
The entire second day was dedicated to face-to-face meetings between industry and ESA, making this two-day event a unique opportunity to network and exchange ideas and information with ESA Telecom experts.
Ms Susanne Jucknath-John of GHC Global Health Care GmbH, a German company currently taking its first steps into telemedicine via satellite found this “most helpful”. “It was a full package of really useful information. ARTES is like an umbrella organisation filling in the pieces of the telemedicine mosaic; it's fruitful to see other projects at work so as not to reinvent the wheel.
Being new to ESA Telecom it's been a great opportunity to introduce myself to European companies”, explained Ms Michele Le Saux, Head of the Ground Segment Technology Section. “Raising awareness of the industry both in and outside Europe is vital to the long term health of this market segment.
For many participants it was also the contact with other industry personnel that made it all worthwhile. “Interactivity with key players”, stated Mr Jan Huizenga of TNO Delft in the Netherlands. “That ESA brings together industry leaders in a central place makes this event an important part of any networking.
To download the list of participants or view the presentations, follow the ‘Related links’ at the right of this page.

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