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At your fingertips

06/04/2018 2430 views
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus / Highlights

Download the latest version of the Sentinel App to your mobile device and learn more about Europe’s flagship constellation of Earth observation satellites.

Developed by ESA and the European Commission, the Copernicus Sentinel App is a free App for iOS and Android mobile devices. It allows users to track the Sentinel satellites in orbit and see when and where they send their data back to Earth, either directly or by laser to the European Data Relay System. You can also set alerts to see when any of the Sentinels are flying overhead.

There is a 3D model of each satellite that you can explore to see where the scientific instruments and other key components are positioned. You can also learn about how these trailblazing missions are improving everyday lives and how they are helping us to understand our home planet.

Europe’s Copernicus programme has been put in place to manage the environment and help respond to the challenges of global change. This innovative global monitoring programme, the largest ever conceived, offers a set of key information services for a wide range of practical applications. While the Sentinel satellite missions have been built specifically for Copernicus, their data are open and free to everyone.

The Copernicus Sentinel App is available at the Apple App Store and Google Play.

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