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First image from Sentinel-2A

Data products

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus / Sentinel-2

Sentinel-2’s multispectral imager undertakes systematic acquisition in a single observation mode.

Level-1B: Top of atmosphere radiances in sensor geometry. Level-1B is composed of granules, one granule represents the sub-image one of the 12 detectors in the across track direction (25 km), and contains a given number of lines along track (approximately 23 km). Each Level-1B granule has a data volume of approximately 27 MB.  Level-1B products require expert knowledge of orthorectification techniques.

Level-1C: Top of atmosphere reflectances in fixed cartographic geometry (combined UTM projection and WGS84 ellipsoid). Level-1C images are a set of tiles of 100 sq km, each of which is approximately 500 MB. These products contain applied radiometric and geometric corrections (including orthorectification and spatial registration). 

First image from Sentinel-2B
First image from Sentinel-2B

Level-2A: Bottom of atmosphere reflectances in cartographic geometry. This product is currently processed by on the user side by using a processor running on ESA’s Sentinel-2 Toolbox. The possibility of making a standard core product systematically available from the Sentinels core ground segment is currently being assessed as part of the CSC evolution activities. 

For visualisation and analysis of products, users can exploit the Sentinel-2 Toolbox.

Learn more about Sentinel data products.

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