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Facts and figures

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus / Sentinel-3
Launch date Sentinel-3A: 16 February 2016
Sentinel-3B: 25 April 2018
Launcher Rockot, from Plesetsk, Russia
Orbit     Polar, Sun-synchronous at altitude of 815 km
Revisit time (ocean) SLSTR ~1 day, OLCI ~2 days, SRAL has a 47 km ground track separation after 27 days – all cases using two- satellite constellation at the equator.
Life Planned for seven years (carries consumables for 12 years)
Satellite 2.2 m long, 2.2 m wide, 3.7 m high and a mass of 1150 kg (including 130 kg fuel)

Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) covering 21 spectral bands (400–1020 nm) with a swath width of 1270 km and a spatial resolution of 300 m

Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) covering 9 spectral bands (550–12 000 nm), dual-view scan with swath widths of 1420 km (nadir) and 750 km (backwards), and a spatial resolution of 500 m for visible and near-infrared, and 1 km for thermal infrared channels

Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter (SRAL) Ku-band (300 m after SAR processing) and C-band with a spatial resolution of approx 300 m

Microwave Radiometer (MWR) dual frequency at 23.8 & 36.5 GHz

Receiving stations Scientific data: transmitted to core Sentinel ground stations
Telemetry data: transmitted to and from Kiruna Sweden
Main applications Sea-level change & sea-surface temperature mapping, water quality management, sea-ice extent and thickness mapping and numerical ocean prediction; land-cover mapping, vegetation health monitoring; glacier monitoring; water resource monitoring; wildfire detection; numerical weather prediction. 
Mission             Developed by ESA, jointly operated by Eumetsat
Funding ESA Member States and the European Union
Prime contractors Thales Alenia Space France for satellite, OCLI & SRAL; Selex ES Italy for SLSTR; EADS-CASA for MWR
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