ESA title

ADM-Aeolus Announcement of Opportunity

01/10/2007 1123 views 0 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / FutureEO

ESA is pleased to announce the release of an Announcement of Opportunity (AO), which aims exclusively at calibration and validation activities in support of the ADM-Aeolus mission.

This worldwide, open AO solicits proposals from members of the international science community with relevant experience in conducting field experiments and campaigns in measuring winds and atmospheric optical properties, and in geophysical research.

The ADM-Aeolus Earth Explorer mission will be the first space mission to measure wind profiles from space on a global scale with the aim of improving the accuracy of numerical weather forecasting and advancing our understanding of atmospheric dynamics and processes relevant to climate variability and climate modelling. A Doppler wind lidar will be used to measure global wind profiles with an accuracy of 1 m/s in the planetary boundary layer and 2 m/s in the free troposphere.

Should you be interested in participating to this AO, please consult the AO website where you will find information on how to submit a proposal. This ADM-Aeolus Calibration and Validation AO will close on 15 December 2007.

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