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ESSEO – European Scientists on Spectrum for Earth Observation

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / FutureEO / Preparing for tomorrow

The European Scientists on Spectrum for Earth Observation (ESSEO) is a group of senior scientists in the fields of Earth science, meteorology and climate, that gathers the views of the European science community on frequency regulatory matters.

The Radio Regulations is the international treaty on the use of the spectrum, and it developed in the context of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialised agency of the United Nations.

The main focus of ESSEO is the agenda of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), which is the body where potential changes to the Radio Regulations are discussed.

ESSEO’s output is then used to provide scientific justifications for actions in frequency regulatory fora.

The first ESSEO publication is available on request via email to:

 Read more about Managing frequencies for Earth observation

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