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How to access data

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth

How do you go about obtaining ESA Earth observation data products for your own use? The answer depends on the type of Earth observation data needed.

Most of the ESA Earth observation datasets are available on the internet free of charge. Access is granted after user registration.

In cases where products are to be generated upon specific user requests, or due to access policy, technical and/or financial constraints, access to some datasets is subject to prior approval. This group of datasets is called the 'restrained datasets', requiring from the user a data access request. Upon approval, data is always provided free of charge.

The Earth online portal functions as access point for a wide variety of Earth observation resources. It features a directory to locate available missions and datasets and provides direct access to satellite data, operational news, events and tools in support to the data use.

A Fast Registration mechanism is also available to access some datasets from missions in ESA's Third Party Missions and Heritage missions programmes. Follow this quick guide to learn more about Fast Registration submission.

ESA is also coordinating the acquisition and delivery of data for Europe’s Copernicus programme.

The Sentinel online website provides technical information on the Copernicus Sentinel missions, while access to data systematically processed and available online is granted via the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem after user registration. 

For higher resolution data, users may check the Copernicus Contributing Missions Rapid Response Desk which provide full visibility of all Copernicus Contributing Missions delivering data complementary to the Copernicus Sentinels, in response to the needs of the Copernicus Services. Data are available free of charge to eligible users following registration and confirmation of their user category.

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