ESA title
Arctic Weather Satellite on the shaker

The satellite

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Meteorological missions / Arctic Weather Satellite

The Arctic Weather Satellite platform is based on OHB’s Innosat platform, but with a number of upgrades.

Electric propulsion will be added to allow the Arctic Weather Satellite to reach the required orbital altitude of 600 km, to maintain its orbit and for any collision avoidance manoeuvres that may be needed. In addition, the electric propulsion will be used to lower the satellite at the end of its mission.

The satellite will have deployable, fixed-angle solar arrays. The power system will be upgraded for a higher instrument power consumption.

The total mass of the satellite will be around 120 kg and the power consumption around 120 W in nominal operations.

An L-band downlink will be added to provide both a direct broadcast and a stored data downlink capability.

The prototype satellite will be designed taking into account requirements for the future constellation. Therefore, no design changes are foreseen between the prototype and the constellation.

The satellites will comply with space debris mitigation requirements and will re-enter Earth’s atmosphere by natural decay within 12 years after operations have ended. At the end of operations and final manoeuvres, the satellites will be also fully passivated.

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