ESA title
MHS Channel H1 data

MHS ready for routine operation

20/12/2006 471 views 0 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Meteorological missions / MetOp

Following a series of functional and performance tests, the Microwave Humidity Sounder carried on MetOp-A has been declared ready for routine operation.

Since the instrument was first switched on 30 October, it has undergone a series of functional and performance tests. The receiver gains, electronics data processing offsets and cold calibration position have all been optimised. The instrument noise levels are well within specification.

The image shows eight consecutive orbits of MHS channel H1 data from 1–2 November 2006 (channel H1 is a window channel that views the Earth’s surface).

The MHS instrument is a five channel, self-calibrating microwave radiometer operating in the 90 GHz to 190 GHz frequency range. The instrument data will be used to derive three dimensional water vapour profiles of the atmosphere. The MHS instrument, which also flies on the NOAA series of satellites, was procured directly by EUMETSAT and manufactured by EADS Astrium Ltd of Portsmouth, UK.

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