ESA title
Testing MTG imager

Facts and figures

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Meteorological missions / meteosat third generation
Mission Comprises four MTG-Imager satellites and two MTG-Sounder satellites
MTG Imagers
Satellites Three-axis stabilised satellites, each weighing 3600 kg (including almost 2 tonnes of fuel)
Dimensions 2.3 x 2.8 x 5.2 m (stowed for launch)
Instruments Flexible Combined Imager (FCI), Lightning Imager (LI), Data Collection and Retransmission Service, Geostationary Search and Rescue Relay (DCS/GEOSAR)
Power 2 kW
Life Nominal design life 8.5 years (with fuel to last for >10.7 years)
MTG Sounders
Satellites Three-axis stabilised satellites, each weighing 3800 kg (including fuel)
Dimensions 2.4 x 3 x 5.2 m (stowed for launch)
Instruments Infrared Sounder (IRS), Copernicus Sentinel-4 ultraviolet visible & near-infrared mission (UVN)
Power Up to 2 kW
Life Minimal design life 8.5 years 
Prime contractor Thales Alenia Space for overall programme and MTG-I satellite; OHB for MTG-S satellite
Project and commissioning Satellite design and development and recurrent satellite builds managed at ESA’s European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in the Netherlands (on behalf of Eumetsat)

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