Facts and figures
Mission | |
Launch date | 22 October 2001 |
Launch site | Sriharikota, India |
Launcher | Antrix/ISRO PSLV-C3 |
Orbit | LEO Sun-synchronous |
Orbital parameters | 681x561 km |
Orbital plane inclination | 97.9 degrees |
Orbital period | 96.97 minutes |
Mission duration | One year (planned) |
Number of instruments | Eight |
Number of technological payloads | Six |
Mission operations and ground station | ESA/REDU dedicated 2.4 m dish, average of 4 contacts of 10 m/day, automated evening & weekend passes |

Spacecraft | |
Spacecraft mass | 94 kg |
Instrument mass | 25 kg |
Technological payload mass | 30 kg |
Shape | 60x60x80 cm box shaped aluminium honeycomb structure |
Proba-1 platform features
- Computing system (highest performance computing system yet flown on an ESA spacecraft)
- ERC-32 (SPARC V7) processor, >80 krad, 10 MIPS, 2 MFLOPS
- TCS 21 020 digital signal processor, >100 krad, 15 MIPS, 45 MFLOPS
- 12 other processors in subsystems/payload
- off-the-shelf operating system (Vx Works)
- full automatic code generation of all attitude control and navigation software (~50 000 lines of code)
- 3-axis stabilisation (Earth pointing or inertial) by four miniaturised reaction wheels
- absolute pointing accuracy: 150 arcsec
- relative pointing stability: 10 arcsec over 10 s
- 2-headed star tracker providing arcsec level pointing knowledge

- GPS sensor providing 20 m position and fly-by knowledge
- Spacecraft agility (along- and across-track), enabling multiple payload imaging (typically 5) of the same target in the same pass
- Slew rate: up to 1 deg/s
- Autonomous navigation via GPS and orbit propagation (no propulsion)
- GaAs solar cells on five structure faces
- 120 W peak
- 17 W in safe mode
- 28 Vdc regulated power bus

- 9 Ah Li-Ion battery
- Passive thermal-control system
- 1 Mbit/s S-band downlink
- 4 kbit/s uplink
- 1.2 Gbit data storage