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Science for society

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth

ESA works hard to ensure that its Earth observation programme offers the best possible benefits for science and society. A better understanding of the complexities of the Earth system and the impact that climate change has, now and in the future, is essential for international efforts and decision-makers to address challenging environmental issues – in turn, benefiting society at large.

Even putting the big concerns of climate and global change aside, the aim of Earth observation is also to improve everyday life by supporting new application areas for data.

Through its science for society activities, ESA’s Earth observation programme forges new scientific discoveries and pioneers new services, stimulating downstream industrial and economic growth.

These activities drive the development of a network of Earth observation exploitation platforms in Europe to foster easier and more comprehensive exploitation of the data.

The Earth observation science for society initiative also expands the use of web-technologies for engagement, outreach, and education. The plan is to set up virtual research laboratories and collaborative research environments, provide e-learning and educational resources for specialists and the general public, and launch citizen science and crowd-sourcing projects.

Learn more about ESA’s Earth Observation Science for Society activities.

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