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Watch live: Advanced Land Training Course

05/09/2014 3022 views 11 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth

Follow the advanced Land Training Course lectures via live webstream from Spain’s University of Valencia 8–12 September.


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As part of the Scientific Exploitation of Operational Missions programme, ESA organises an advanced Land Training Course each year devoted to train the next generation of Earth observation scientists in the exploitation of satellite data for science and applications development.

Live webstream programme (all times in CEST):

Monday 8 September

10:00–10:40      Land Remote Sensing in Spain
E. Vez Rodríguez, CDTI-Madrid, Spanish delegate at ESA PB-EO
10:40–10:50      Welcome by the University of Valencia
E. Morcillo, Chancellor of the Univ. of Valencia (Rector), Spain
14:30–16:00 Introduction to SAR RS
J.M. Lopez-Sanchez, Univ. of Alicante, Spain
16:30–18:30 Advanced Optical 1
J. Moreno, Univ. of Valencia, Spain


Tuesday 9 September

09:00–10:45      Advanced SAR 2
K. Papathanassiou, DLR, Germany
11:15–13:00 Advanced SAR 3 Interferometry
R. Hanssen, TU Delft, The Netherlands
14:30–16:00 SAR Polarimetry
E. Pottier, Univ. of Rennes, France


Wednesday 10 September

09:00–10:45      Agriculture
F. Baret, INRA-CSE, France
14:30–16:00 Fire Detection & Assessment
E. Chuvieco, Univ. of Alcalá, Spain


Thursday 11 September

09:00–10:45      Multi-temporal Analysis
L. Bruzzone, Univ. of Trento, Italy
14:30–16:00 Hyperspectral and Lidar
G. Camps-Valls, Univ. of Valencia, Spain


Friday 12 September

09:00–10:45      Climate: Carbon
E. Tomelleri, EURAC, Italy
11:15–13:00 Climate: Water
W. Wagner, TU Wien, Austria
14:30–16:00 Hazards: Earthquakes & Volcanoes
T. Wright, Univ. of Leeds, UK

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