ESA title
Galileo satellite in orbit

Facts and figures

27/06/2014 219 views 80 likes
ESA / Applications / Satellite navigation / Galileo
(Satellites 1-4)
Launch mass:  700 kg
Size: 2.74 x 14.5 x 1.59 m (solar wings deployed)
Available power: 1420 W
(Satellites 5-26)
Launch mass 732.8 kg
Size: 2.5 x 14.67 x 1.1 m (solar wings deployed)
Available power: 1900 W
(Satellites 27-34)
Launch mass:  700 kg approx.
Size: 2.5 x 14.67 x 1.1 m (solar wings deployed)
Available power: 1900 W
Launch vehicles: Soyuz ST-B launcher (two-satellite configuration) or Ariane-5 (four-satellite configuration)
Navigation payload: Passive hydrogen maser atomic clocks (two); Rubidium atomic clocks (two); Clock monitoring and control unit; Navigation signal generator unit; L-band antenna for navigation signal transmission; C-band antenna for uplink signal detection; Two S-band antennas for telemetry and telecommands; Search and rescue antenna
Orbit: Circular Medium-Earth orbit, 23 222 km (satellites 5-6 in elongated orbit of 25 900 km apogee and 17 200 km perigee due to launch anomaly)
Orbital inclination: 56°
Operational lifetime: more than 12 years

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