ESA title
Galileo constellation

Galileo service volume simulator available for download

07/06/2005 3456 views 25 likes
ESA / Applications / Satellite navigation

The service volume simulator component of the Galileo system simulator facility is now available for download by interested users after registration.

The Galileo System Simulation Facility (GSSF) is a software simulation tool that reproduces the functional and performance behaviour of the Galileo system in support of system engineering analyses and navigation applications development.

The GSSF has a high degree of in-built flexibility to support a number of system simulation needs. The current version of GSSF provides two simulators, the service volume simulator and the raw data generator, integrated into a single tool.

Galileo system simulator facility
Galileo system simulator facility

The Service Volume Simulator (GSSF-SVS) allows navigation and integrity performance analyses over long time periods and over large geographical areas. The GSSF computes figures of merit that estimate the overall Galileo system performance and provides analyses of visibility and coverage, positioning accuracy, integrity and continuity as well as availability of service.

The Raw Data Generator (GSSF-RDG) supports generation of Galileo and GPS observables for early validation of navigation and integrity processing facilities. The tool supports standard formats such as Receiver Independent Exchange Format (RINEX) and Standard Product 3 (SP3).

The GSSF has been validated by ESA against other simulated and real data and has been installed in the Navigation Laboratory at ESTEC.

To register and download the service volume simulator component of the GSSF software, visit the dedicated GSSF website (see link at right).

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