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ESA / Applications / Satellite navigation

Navegantis is a software tool for Centimetric-Accuracy Navigation with GPS or Galileo. It is developed by GMV (Spain) in the frame of a project co-funded by ESA. The tool is intended to enable the processing of navigation observables in real time (via radio) or post-processing (Rinex files), in three modes:

  • absolute
  • relative (relative solution between two receivers) or
  • kinematics (relative solution with carrier phases, in order to compute baselines with sub-decimetric accuracy).

The tool is able to process observables in up to three frequencies or any combination of them (both during Integer Ambiguity Resolution and navigation), being therefore suited for future GPS and Galileo.

The project has included the development of a software simulator in Matlab for generation of Real-World measurements. A battery of tests have been processed in multiple simulated scenarios, with different conditions of baseline length, dynamics and multipath level, both for on-ground and Space applications. Additionally, the campaign has included a few test cases with real-data measurements for several scenarios.

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