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Satellite navigation applications workshop - forum topics

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ESA / Applications / Satellite navigation

The workshop on promoting tools and facilities for Satellite Navigation Applications will discuss the following topics:

  • Means and infrastructures for education
  • Tools and facilities to support basic technologies and techniques
  • Tools and facilities to support application developers
  • Tools and facilities to support standardization and certification of applications
  • Tools and facilities to support private operators and public authorities

Means and infrastructures for education
Moderator: Mrs. L. Lo Presti, Politecnico di Torino
Education is a key topic to be addressed under this forum since the success of future applications strongly depends on current knowledge. It is very important to disseminate the satellite navigation know-how in Europe through relevant universities, institutes and research centres, by giving the appropriate education to beginners and experienced engineers. Within this topic the aim is to identify the needs of these groups of people in terms of required educational tools, trainee programmes, courses, professional training, documentation as well as access to tools and facilities for R&D purposes.

Tools and facilities to support basic technologies and techniques
Moderator: Mr. JL. Issler, CNES
In the very competitive market of GNSS, the companies succeeding will be those able to develop highly sophisticated technology at low cost while still offering high performance. This topic reviews the tools and facilities required by companies to develop the core techniques and technologies for GNSS applications (e.g. evaluation boards, software receivers, signal generators, etc.).

Tools and facilities to support application developers
Moderator: Mr. J. Samson, ESA
GNSS application developers require tools and facilities to develop products and test them before introducing them on the market. The key question is what tools and facilities would enhance their competitiveness, decrease their development risk and decrease product time to market? This forum gives GNSS application developers the chance to indicate their needs. Issues to be addressed include generic tools as well as those specific to categories of applications.

Tools and facilities to support standardization and certification of applications
Moderator: Mr. M. Meyer zu Hörste, DLR
The objective under this topic is to identify the tools and facilities required to support:

  • the qualification of EGNOS/Galileo for the various user communities (aviation, maritime, rail, road)
  • extensive test campaigns to demonstrate the operational requirements

The qualification would cover four user communities related to safe navigation. Once the EGNOS/Galileo systems are validated/verified, they have to be qualified for specific operations. The qualification then consists of demonstrating that the use of EGNOS/Galileo for intended user operations meets their specific requirements in terms of accuracy, integrity, availability and continuity.

Tools and facilities to support private operators and public authorities
Moderator: Mr. M. Tossaint, ESA
Private operators require tools and facilities to test the introduction of a new service, to support the daily operations or to check upgrades. Public authorities require tools and facilities to test the adequacy of a new service and the acceptance by the general public. Under this topic, private operators (e.g. road operators) and public authorities (e.g. regional authorities) will be given a chance to express their needs.

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