The Council of the European Space Agency met in Brussels at Delegate level on 23-24 June 1998 at the invitation of Yvan Ylieff (right), the Belgian Minister for Science Policy and Chairman of ESA's Council at Ministerial Level. The Council decided on greater coordination between ESA and the European Union, and approved the first steps towards the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS-2), the Living Planet Programme in Earth Observation, the more powerful Ariane-5 Plus version of Ariane-5, and the Vega small launcher. The meeting was an important milestone in preparing for the next ESA Ministerial Council. It was preceded by a ceremony to mark the 25th Anniversary of the 1973 European Space Conference, which laid the foundations for ESA and its programmes. At left is Antonio Rodata, ESA Director General. [Image Date: 1998/06] [98.06.012-117]