This image covers a major part of Romania, Bulgaria and Moldavia, delimited by the Black Sea on the east. A part of the Ukraine's south eastern coast, is visible in the upper right corner of the image just above the River Dnestr estuary.
The S-shaped mountain chain consists of the Carpathian Mountains (top), followed by the Transylvanian Alps and the Balkan Mountains (bottom). In between the Transylvanian Alps and the Balkan Mountains, lie the plains of the Danube River (also known as the Donau River). The Danube has its source in the Black Forest in Germany, and is one of Europe's principal traffic arteries. The image shows only some of the vast number of the Danube's tributaries. The Prut and Trotus River (upper part of the image) and the Olt River, passing through the Transylvanian Alps are clearly visible.
The Danube delta territory hosts a vast and divers wildlife refuge, many areas are restricted and natural reserves, listed on the UN's World Heritage List since 1991.
Technical Information:
Instrument: MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS)
Date of Acquisition: 28 September 2003
Orbit number:08249
Instrument features: Full Resolution image (300-meter resolution)
NE Lat/Long: N 47.08 / E 31.11
NW Lat/Long: N 48.70 / E 23.70
SW Lat/Long: N 42.94 / E 21.64
SE Lat/Long: N 41.45 / E 28.30