The ESA Astronaut Corps, 2004
From left to right: (back row) Paolo Nespoli, Thomas Reiter, Christer Fuglesgang, Frank de Winne, Michel Tognini*, Hans Schlegel, Philippe Perrin*, André Kuipers, (front row) Pedro Dunque, Gerhard Thiele, Jean-François Clervoy, Umberto Guidoni*, Leopold Eyharts, Reinhold Ewald, Roberto Vottori and Claude Nicollier.
* Note:
Michel Tognini left the Corps in May 2003 to become Head of the Astronaut Division at the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) at Cologne, Germany.
Philippe Perrin left the European Astronaut Corps in May 2004, he became Experimental Test Pilot with Airbus Industrie in Toulouse.
Umberto Guidoni left the Corps in June 2004.