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Central Italy in its last winter days of 2004 is the main subject on this image. A quite clear day allows us to see the Appenines covered under a blanket of snow.
The image streches from the Po Valley (upper left on the image) and Lake Garda, to Naples, the Vesuvius and the Amalfitan coast (lower right on the image).
Interesting to notice, is the different spectral response of the snowcovered cities along the A1 highway, linking four quasi aligned cities: Parma, Reggio nell' Emiglia, Modena and Bologna.
Technical Information:
Instrument: MERIS
Date of Acquisition: 4 March 2004
Orbit number: 10511
Instrument features: FR
NE Lat/Long: N 44.59 / E 16.54
NW Lat/Long: N 45.86 / E 9.34
SW Lat/Long: N 40.06 / E 7.76
SE Lat/Long: N 38.85 / E 14.34