Today Friday 04/11/2005 the final integration of the Soyuz launch vehicle with the Venus Express Spacecraft atop has taken place in the MIK-40 integration building. The launch vehicle and its passenger are now fully assembled and preparations are ongoing for the rollout to the launch pad planned for Saturday 05/11 at 07:30 in the morning (local time).
In the afternoon the final arming (i.e. their electrical connection to the onboard units) of the Spacecraft onboard batteries has taken place. The installation of the ARM plugs on the external "skin-connector bracket" of the Spacecraft has taken place through a specific access hatch in the payload fairing.
The Spacecraft, including its pyrotechnic devices and propulsion equipment, is now fully armed and ready for flight, and from now on there will be no physical access to the Spacecraft anymore.
The Russian State Commission has been held at 19:30 today. All involved parties (e.g. Spacecraft, Soyuz launcher, Fregat Upper Stage, range safety, pad operations, meteo, etc) have confirmed their readiness, and rollout and installation of the launcher on the pad have been authorised to commence tomorrow morning at 07:30.