This picture shows the scatterometer winds (in arrows or flags), with an infrared satellite image (from METEOSAT, GOES or GMS) and numerical weather prediction model winds (currently only HIRLAM forecast in the Northern Atlantic region, in blue arrows or flags) as well as an indicative ice mask (in blue) on the background.
A wind flag is represented by barbs and solid pennants, a full barb representing a wind speed of 5 m/s, a half barb representing a wind speed of 2.5 m/s, and a pennant representing a wind speed of 25 m/s.
The exact data acquisition time is plotted in red next to the satellite swath.
If a magenta marker is plotted on top of the wind arrow, this denotes land or ice presence. If a scatterometer wind arrow is plotted in yellow, this denotes that the Variational Quality Control flag is set. A yellow dot means that the KNMI Quality Control Flag is set.