Satellite navigation has become part of our daily lives. Beyond the transport sector, where it increases safety, efficiency and comfort, it is also used in very different areas such as agriculture, rescue operations, network management and banking.
In the early 1990s, ESA began research and development programmes in cooperation with the European Commission and the civil aviation community to prepare:
EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. This improves GPS signal accuracy across Europe and guarantees its quality.
Galileo, Europe’s satellite navigation system. A joint initiative of the European Commission and ESA, Galileo will provide a highly accurate, guaranteed global positioning and time stamping service at any point on Earth. By 2020 the system should be complete, with 24 satellites in orbit plus a set of spares to prevent interruption to service, operated through a worldwide network of ground stations.
EGNOS and Galileo are joint initiatives of ESA and the European Commission.
Galileo satellites in tests
Search and rescue
Precision farming