The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
Find out more about space activities in our 23 Member States, and understand how ESA works together with their national agencies, institutions and organisations.
Exploring our Solar System and unlocking the secrets of the Universe
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Taken on 2014-01-07 01:04:59 UTC
Distance to Venus = about 50000 km
Spacecraft is high above South pole.
South pole is at right of image.
Venus is just over 12,000 km in diameter – only 5% smaller than the diameter of the Earth.
The striations in the cloud show that the winds are blowing around the pole. The planet and its winds rotate from East to the West, note that this is “backwards” compared to the rotation of the Earth and every other planet.
Note that the blotches on the image are camera artifacts: these are due to sensitivity variations in the camera, which are corrected for in a calibration procedure (that hasn’t been done yet for these images, since they were only obtained today).