Participants in the 26 March 2014 opening ceremony of the latest Galileo Sensor Station on Santa Maria island in the Azores. From left to right: Carlos Henriques Rodrigues, Mayor of Vila do Porto; João Paim Vieira, National Communications Authority (ANACOM - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações); José de Sousa, Portuguese Air Navigation (NAV Portugal E.P.E.); Olivier Conrozier, VP Sales & BD Europe for Thales; Vitor Fraga, Regional Secretary of Tourism and Transport; João Araújo, President of the Board of Directors of Edisoft; Sylvain Loddo, ESA's Galileo Ground Segment Procurement Manager ESA; Emir Sirage, representative of ESA's Portuguese Delegation; Vice-Almirante José Domingos Pereira da Cunha, CEMA (Portuguese Navy); Sérgio Barbedo, Edisoft´s Executive Director; Teresa Cardoso, Edisoft´s Aeronautics & Space Tendering & Innovation Manager; Bruno Pacheco, Regional Director of Communications and Transport; Ricardo Conde, Santa Maria Ground Station Manager Edisoft; Major João Ferreira, Security Officer at GNS (Gabinete Nacional de Seguranç).