Two distinct volcanic eruptions have flooded this area of Daedalia Planum on Mars, flowing around an island of ancient terrain. The smooth, fractured terrain to the south (left) predates the rough-textured lava flow that dominates the northern (right) side of the image. The lava flows arose from the giant Arsia Mons volcano, part of the Tharsis complex around 1000 km to the northwest. The blue–grey colour at the bottom left of the image likely reflects a difference in the composition of exposed material: for example, wind-blown ash or dust deposits can easily accumulate in faults or channels. The image was created using data acquired on 28 November 2013 during Mars Express orbit 12 593 using the High Resolution Stereo Camera. The image resolution is about 14 m per pixel. The image centre is at about 25ºS/249ºE. North is right and east down.