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The 16 ‘highly commended’ designs selected as runners-up in the competition that offered graphic designers and artists the unique opportunity to feature their work on the rocket that will launch Cheops – the CHaracterising ExOplanets Satellite – to Earth orbit.
First row, from left to right: Antonio Miguel Baena Cock (Spain); Emily Kelly (UK); Chris Petty (UK); Lena Ainhoa Isasi Kuran (Spain; Poland).
Second row, from left to right: Natalya Kebalo (Ukraine; France); Emma Allard Smith (UK); Laura Currais Perez (Spain); Fabrizio Mancino (Italy).
Third row, from left to right: Téo Maria (France); Alessandro Munari (Italy; France); Marta Sternberg Simões Gaspar (Portugal; Luxembourg); Tadeusz Pik (Poland).
Fourth row, from left to right: Ben Cantwell (USA); Francesca Irene Thiery (Italy); Giovanni Simioni (Italy); Antje Stockmann (Germany).
Full story: Winning exoplanet rocket sticker selected