What is the Moon Camp Challenge?
The Moon Camp Challenge is an educational and inspirational project run by ESA and Airbus Foundation, in partnership with Autodesk. It features preparatory classroom activities that focus on learning-by-design and science experimentation. Students will have to develop a number of curricular scientific experiments related to the Moon and apply their acquired knowledge in an interdisciplinary manner to design their own Moon Camp using a 3D modelling tool (Tinkercad or Fusion 360).
The Moon Camp Challenge is divided into three separate missions featuring different levels of complexity: for beginners there is Moon Camp Discovery (up to and including 19 years old but recommended for 6-14 years old), for intermediates Moon Camp Explorers (up to and including 14 years old) and for more advanced students Moon Camp Pioneers (ages 15 to 19 years old)
Join the challenge: www.mooncampchallenge.org