An ESA-supplied Tempus Pro telemedicine device in use by emergency medical teams in Barcelona, Spain, to assist in the fight against COVID-19.
Offering ultrasound, laryngoscopy and electrocardiogram among other features, Tempus Pro devices allow operators to quickly check a patient’s vital parameters such as heartrate, blood pressure, respiration rate and temperature, before transmitting these to medical colleagues elsewhere. This can be done via a secure satellite link or phone network such as 4G and reduces the need for senior doctors to be limited to one emergency response vehicle or directly exposed to the COVID-19 environment.
The two Tempus devices currently on loan to Catalonia’s emergency medical service Sistema d’Emergències Mèdiques (SEM), are used by doctors at ESA’s European Astronaut Centre (EAC) to assess and communicate the condition of astronauts when they return to Earth. They are already being praised for simplicity and connectivity by emergency responders in Barcelona.
In its first version, Tempus Pro was designed as a telemedicine device for commercial airlines. It has been further supported by ESAto become a compact, dual-use, lightweight, all-in-one monitor with telemedicine capabilities for healthcare professionals.