The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
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Soon, Vega’s Small Spacecraft Mission Service (SSMS) dispenser, will be launched on its inaugural flight, providing in-orbit demonstration service for multiple small missions, from 1kg CubeSats, to 500kg mini-satellites.
Onboard the upcoming flight will be three CubeSats, two of which have been developed by the GSTP Element 3, FLY with Belgium.
The Sun-Earth IMBAlance (Simba) CubeSat, pictured, is investigating the application of artificial intelligence to Earth observation and whether or not the same instrument can measure both the Sun’s incoming radiation to Earth and Earth’s own outgoing radiation. The 3-unit CubeSat mission will measure the Total Solar Irradiance and Earth Radiation Budget climate variables with a miniaturised radiometer instrument.
PICASSO (PICo-satellite for Atmospheric and Space Science Observations) is also a 3-unit CubeSat with two scientific payloads – a cut-down spectrometer for monitoring the atmosphere, as well as sampling probes (called ‘SLP’) to measure space plasma around the nanosatellite. Together, these will provide vital scientific measurements of the ozone layer.
GSTP plays an important role in implementing in-orbit demonstration and validation activities conceived by the European Space Agency or its Member States. The GSTP was also crucial to developing the VEGA rocket launchers, which the CubeSats will launch on – as it funded the development of their thrust control vector.
Follow the launch on ESA Web TV [Time and date still to be announced].