As part of its approach of embracing the concept of New Space through the FutureEO programme, ESA has selected one of four proposals as the first ‘Scout’ mission. This decision paves the way to starting negotiations with GomSpace in Denmark who will lead industrial consortium for the development of a small-satellite mission called Earth System Processes Monitored in the Atmosphere by a Constellation of CubeSats, or EPS–MACCS for short.
ESP-MACCS focusses on understanding and quantifying atmospheric processes in the upper troposphere and in the stratosphere. In particular, it will make observations in tropical and sub-tropical latitudes to observe gases such as water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and nitrous oxide as well as aerosols – all of which play a key role in the greenhouse effect and climate change. The mission comprises three 12-litre CubeSats, each carrying thermal infrared spectrometer, as well as a visible near-infrared hyperspectral solar disk imager as a secondary instrument.