Wings have unfolded on the International Space Station: following their launch on 26 August, Crew-7 with ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen, NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli, JAXA astronaut Satoshi Furukawa and Roscosmos astronaut Konstantin Borisov docked to the Station on 27 August at 14:16 BST/15:16 CEST.
This marks the beginning of Andreas’s Huginn mission. During his six months on board, the Danish astronaut will conduct more than 30 European experiments, ranging from climate and health to space research for humanity on Earth. In one of the experiments, he will even control robots on Earth from the orbital lab.
Around mid-September, Andreas will become the Space Station commander, taking over from the current commander Sergey Prokopyev. Andreas will remain commander for the rest of his mission, which will amount to a little over five months, the longest for a European astronaut.
On Thursday Andreas will hold his first in-flight call for the Huginn mission, where he'll answer questions from space and share insights about his first days on the Space Station.