Set to launch in 2031, Envision will observe Venus from its inner core up to its upper atmosphere, to further reveal the planet's history, activity and climate. This holistic approach to studying Venus is special. Envision will investigate the planet’s surface, interior and atmosphere with unrivalled accuracy, allowing us to understand how they work and interact with each other.
The mission will tackle key questions about our closest neighbour in space, including:
Envision’s findings will help answer fundamental questions about the evolution of terrestrial planets within our own Solar System and beyond.
[Image description: Infographic focusing on the science Envision will perform at Venus. The image shows Envision in orbit at Venus. The planet is seen in a cross section, revealing all components that the mission will study: atmosphere, surface, subsurface, mantle and core. A volcano inset on the left illustrates the first three components that Envision will study, while an inset on the right shows the core and mantle.]