Asteroid Impact Mission
Date: Tue, Sep 29, 2015 | 06:30 - 06:45 GMT | 08:30 - 08:45 CEST
Replay: Tue, Sep 29, 2015 | 15:00 - 15:15 GMT | 17:00 - 17:15 CEST
Type: ESA TV Exchange
Format: 16:9
Our Earth is constantly bombarded by small asteroids that try to penetrate its protective atmosphere. The vast majority don't get through, but larger asteroids could pose a threat.
Understanding better what asteroids are made of is crucial in improving deflection technologies to set them off a collision course.
This is one of the main objectives of AIM, ESA's preliminary Asteroid Impact Mission.
The AIM spacecraft is planned to be launched in 2020 on board a Soyuz vehicle from Europe' Spaceport in Kourou. After launch and deep-space manoeuvres, AIM will arrive 2 years later at asteroid Didymos.
This A&B Roll presents AIM overall mission, with graphics and interviews with Michael KUEPPERS, AIM Project Scientist, ESA (in German) and Ian CARNELLI, AIM Head of Mission, ESA (in English and French)
More information at:
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Satellite Parameters: Eutelsat 9A at 9 degrees E, transponder 59, downlink frequency 11900.1 horizontally polarised, symbol rate 27,500 FEC 2/3.