Date: Fri, Jan 29, 2016 | 22:00 - 23:00 GMT | 23:00 - 00:00 CET
Type: ESA TV Live
Format: 16:9
fEDRS-A, the first element of European Data Relay System, the "space data highway", is scheduled for lift off on 29 January, at 22h20 GMT, from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
EDRS-A is hosted on Eutelsat 9B telecom satellite which will be launched on top of a Proton rocket.
Follow the launch live with the ILS/ Eutelsat Videotransmission relayed by ESA TV.
More information at: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Telecommunications_Integrated_Applications/EDRS
Satellite Parameters:
Eutelsat 10A @ 10degEast Transponder B3 Channel 3D (18MHz)
D/link freq: 11066 MHz Polarisation X/horizontal
Signal: HD 1080i/50 MPEG4 420 clear SR: 14.456 FEC: 3/4 Mod: DVBS2/QPSK
Pilot: OFF Roll-off: 0.35 DR: 21.503
Audio 1: mono
Audio 2: mono
For any inquiries regarding satellite or ftp reception please contact the ESA TV production team:
Dominique Detain at dominique.detain@esa.int / tel + 33 685 114 681
Chris Courtenay Taylor at chrisct@worldwidepictures.tv / tel + 44 7774 275 951