A re-examination of Giotto's 1986 encounter with the comet Halley, leading to an account of the Giotto Extended Mission (GEM)- the encounter with the comet Grigg-Skjellerup in 1992.
00:10:00:00 ESA opening sequence
10:00:19:00 ms ESA flags, pan r to ms ESOC [Darmstadt, Germany] entrance
10:00:29:00 gv ESOC building and street
10:00:29:00 cs zi nativity painting by the artist Giotto
10:00:43:00 mls Halley's comet [1910]
10:00:47:00 oss [1986] zi
10:00:54:00 animations Giotto and its orbit, comet Grigg-Skjellerup
10:01:27:00 mls Grigg-Skjellerup
10:01:33:00 gv pan r int Giotto monitoring station [scientists, computers]
10:01:40:00 screen output multicolour contour image
10:01:49:00 mls monitor displaying contour images, cs scientists point to screen in f/g
10:01:54:00 els Giotto image nucleus Halley's comet, split screen with animations [Giotto, action of Sun's rays on comet, comet]; image to cam as satellite approaches comet, to final cs and blurring of image
10:05:23:00 animations Giotto and its instruments
10:05:32:00 mcs Jochen Kissel, Particle Impact Analyser
10:06:02:00 ls Halley's comet, zi to cs
10:06:15:00 animation Halley's comet, with insert Giotto image