The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
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Exploring our Solar System and unlocking the secrets of the Universe
Go to topicProtecting life and infrastructure on Earth and in orbit
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Go to topicA re-examination of Giotto's 1986 encounter with the comet Halley, leading to an account of the Giotto Extended Mission (GEM)- the encounter with the comet Grigg-Skjellerup in 1992.
00:10:00:00 ESA opening sequence
10:00:19:00 ms ESA flags, pan r to ms ESOC [Darmstadt, Germany] entrance
10:00:29:00 gv ESOC building and street
10:00:29:00 cs zi nativity painting by the artist Giotto
10:00:43:00 mls Halley's comet [1910]
10:00:47:00 oss [1986] zi
10:00:54:00 animations Giotto and its orbit, comet Grigg-Skjellerup
10:01:27:00 mls Grigg-Skjellerup
10:01:33:00 gv pan r int Giotto monitoring station [scientists, computers]
10:01:40:00 screen output multicolour contour image
10:01:49:00 mls monitor displaying contour images, cs scientists point to screen in f/g
10:01:54:00 els Giotto image nucleus Halley's comet, split screen with animations [Giotto, action of Sun's rays on comet, comet]; image to cam as satellite approaches comet, to final cs and blurring of image
10:05:23:00 animations Giotto and its instruments
10:05:32:00 mcs Jochen Kissel, Particle Impact Analyser
10:06:02:00 ls Halley's comet, zi to cs
10:06:15:00 animation Halley's comet, with insert Giotto image